Thursday, November 28, 2019

Non-Verbal Communication in Counselling free essay sample

Nonverbal communication is body language and plays a major role in relationship development because it is also the main channel we use to communicate our feelings and attitudes towards others. But because much of our nonverbal communication behavior is unconscious, most of us have limited awareness or understanding of it. The importance of nonverbals in communication cannot be overemphasized; they are crucial to getting the full message. Some writers have suggested that as much as 80% of communication takes place on the nonverbal level. top General Characteristics of Nonverbal Communication: 1. Nonverbal Communication Uses Many Channels for Sending and Receiving – Messages may be sent in many ways, as the list below shows. This list is to help you become more aware of the variety of and complexity of nonverbal communication. With greater awareness you will develop greater understanding of the ways in which others interpret the nonverbal signals you send. Also, by improving your skills in reading the nonverbal responses other persons make to your communication, you will learn how you yourself are perceived. We will write a custom essay sample on Non-Verbal Communication in Counselling or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I. Nonverbal communication behaviours using TIME:  · Recognition  · Priorities II. Nonverbal communication behaviours using the BODY:  · Eye Contact – There seems to be more eye contact in interpersonal interactions between Arabs, South Americans, and Greeks than between people from other cultures. There is evidence that some African Americans looks at others less than whites do when sending and receiving messages.  · Eyes  · Skin  · Posture  · Facial expression – the face is the exhibit gallery of our emotional displays. And although we often try to manipulate our facial cues to project a premeditated feeling, our faces may still betray our true emotions to others. Your face is versatile. According to one research team, it is capable o f producing over 250,000 different expressions. Research has found that facial expressions conveying happiness, sadness, anger, disgust, surprise, and sadness were the same in 68 to 92 percent of the cultures examines. 1. Surprise: Wide-open eyes, raised and wrinkled brow, open mouth. 2. Fear: Open mouth, tense skin under the eyes, wrinkles in the centre of the forehead. 3. Disgust: Raised or curled upper lip, wrinkled nose, raised cheeks, lowered brow, lowered upper eyelid. 4. Anger: tensed lower eyelid; either pursed lips or open mouth; lowered and wrinkled brow; staring eyes. 5. Happiness: Smiling; mouth may be open or closed; raised cheeks; wrinkles around lower eyelids. 6. Sadness: Lip may tremble; corners of the lips turn downward; corners of the upper eyelid may be raised. All humans probably share the same neurophysiological basis for expressing emotions, but we learn different rules for sending and interpreting the expression. For example, the Japanese culture does not reinforce the show of negative emotions; it is important for Japanese to â€Å"save face† and to help others save face as well. Hand and arm gestures: Hand and body gestures with the most shared meaning among Africans, North Americans, and South Americans include pointing, shrugging, head nodding, clapping, thumbs down, waving hello, and beckoning. There are, however, regional variations within cultures; it is not wise to assume that all people in a given culture share the sam e meaning for certain gestures. The OK gesture has sexual connotations for some South American and Caribbean countries. In France the OK sign means worthless.  · Self-inflicted behaviours  · Repetitive behaviours  · Signals or commands  · Touching  · Sexual

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Explain what Roman Catholics Essays

Explain what Roman Catholics Essays Explain what Roman Catholics Essay Explain what Roman Catholics Essay Explain what Roman Catholics and other Christians believe about sexual relationships outside of marriage as well as within marriage. Use bible passages and Christian teaching and practice to support your answer.All Christian churches teach that sex belongs in marriage. The proper context of a sexual relationship is marriage and it was what God intended us to do, thus making it very important. God intended everyone to get married, have sex and have children. So God created human beingshe created them male and female, blessed them and said, have many children, so that your descendents will live over all the earth. (Genesis 1:27-28)Sex outside of marriage is not permitted in the Catholic Church for many reasons. One of these is that it will not fulfil everything that God intended it to be, which is the expression of deep love. Also sex makes the marriage official, this is the last stage of becoming a married couple. This is also known as the marriage being consum mated.The basis of this is the belief that marriage is a sacrament. It is permanent, exclusive, a sign of Gods love and it should be life giving. The two most important points are life giving every marriage should be open to the possibility of having children and a persons life is enriched through being married. The other point is exclusive promise to be faithful and to not have an affair. Do not commit adultery (7th commandment). These are the most important because they paint a picture of the ideal marriage. Marriage is the sacrament in which baptised men and women vow to belong to each other in a permanent and exclusive sexual partnership of loving mutual care, concern and shared responsibility, in the hope of having children and bringing up a family. (Catechism of the Catholic Church)This also shows that the church has a positive view on sex. Marriage provides security for a sexual relationship, where the couple can trust each other and is a stable environment to raise childre n. This means that there should be no artificial contraception or need for an abortion. Also, that a relationship is enriched through sex, it is a unique way of showing love. A man should fulfil his duty as a husband, and a women should fulfil her duty as a wife, and each should satisfy the others needs. (1 Corinthians 7:3)Sex before marriage (fornication) and adultery both break the exclusivity of marriage, as one of the couple is breaking the vows of marriage. Also, sex outside of marriage is not as meaningful as inside of marriage. This is because when you have sex outside of marriage you do it for pleasure and lust, but inside of marriage you do it as a sign of deep, meaningful love. Although not all Christians believe this; some think that once you are in a committed relationship, with a plan to get married, then it is all right to have a sexual relationship.If you have sex before marriage then you are breaking the vow of faithfulness for your future husband/wife. Also, that th e sacrament hasnt taken place, so Gods love isnt there and present.At a wedding, the greatest gift that you can give to you future husband/wife is your body. This means that you save your virginity for your husband/wife so you are pure for them. This also means that you only have one sexual partner.When people start to have casual sex or one night stands, the person may start to feel used, or as a sexual object. This also causes many unwanted children and this is the position where people start to have abortions.Some Christians go against no sex before marriage; they say that if a couple are engaged, then they are entitled to a sexual relationship, but only if the commitment is there. This could go wrong though; for example if a couple go through a tough time whilst engaged and break up, then if the couple have already had sex, then they cannot marry in the eyes of God. This is because it would be seen as adultery and would be very unfaithful to your future husband/wife.If someone c ommits adultery whilst married, then it can be very hard to be set right again. Adultery can be seen in many different ways, for example in the bible it says that if you look lustfully at someone then that could be seen as adultery. You have heard that it was said, Do not commit adultery. But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell. (Matthew 5:27-30)It is also adultery if you have a sexual relationship before you get married and then decide to get married latter on in life. This is seen as adultery because you are breaking a vow in advance, that you wont have sex outside of marriage. Havin g sex outside of marriage is also known as fornication. This also means that you cant give you purity/virginity to your future husband/wife. This is because you have already lost your virginity so once you have lost it to that one person then you cant lose it again for your husband/wife.Another form of adultery is when you get re-married after being divorced. This is adultery because you have only divorced legally, but in the eyes of God you are still married. If you re-marry and have sex, you have committed adultery against your first husband/wife, who you are still married to in the eyes of God.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Business law (pick one of 5) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Business law (pick one of 5) - Research Paper Example t September the call for the regulations regarding overhauling the ruling and making those practices transparent started and those regulations became effective for the 2010 tax year effective December 15. The new law affects corporations (foreign and domestic) and insurance companies with assets in excess of $500 million, gradually reduced to $10 million by 2014. Kocieniewski seems to side with the corporations, but there are at least two valid reasons why the Government is justified in ending this money pit. (Kocieniewski) The one major argument the IRS uses to support the new â€Å"transparency† ruling is that its tax agents spend far too much time researching these claims as to their legitimacy and the agents’ time could be better spent going after tax cheats and proprietary information would not be shared. Another major problem is that during these austere times and Federal budget cuts, Congress is pressuring the tax people to collect more revenue and with more and more US jobs going overseas the bolstering the economy and creating jobs arguments of the major companies is flimsy at best. In conclusion, the new law is a difficult pill for the big companies to swallow. The previous IRS rule allowed the companies to keep any Uncertain Tax Position monies that weren’t audited within the three year statute of limitations. That was a lot of money for some of the major players, resulting in millions to billions of dollars in reserve â€Å"just in case†. For example Sheraton owner Starwood Hotels had almost a billion dollars in reserve, 21 per cent of its total 2009 earnings. The Fortune 500’s biggest companies like GM and Microsoft had reserves of $5.4 billion! Therefore if the corporations do business in the United States, they should be held to the same accountability as their employees are and pay Federal income tax at whatever rate they should. Grumbling for sure, but like the public they will learn to live with