Monday, February 24, 2020

Did the British public opinion about the Iraq War changed during the Essay - 1

Did the British public opinion about the Iraq War changed during the war - Essay Example However, the public support for the military actions which are government led in Britain plays an important role in foreign and defense policies. Public opinion establishes the political mission legitimacy, maintains the effectiveness of the military, sustains the morale of the deployed troops in war, and justices the required budget for resourcing military. There is no robust evidence of what the public of British thinks about the mission of British involvement in Iraq. There is also a difference of opinion among them. Despite the length of involvement of United Kingdom in the Iraq war, the public opinion is difficult to be entirely determined about the mission. The public opinions data in the Iraq war area have been collected through opinion polls. The opinion polls provided evidences which are relatively timely and quick about the public perceptions and opinions. Nevertheless, there exist potential issues which regard the sample representatives related to some social groups like those people without the landline or internet access. Representative and independent surveys of UK about the public opinion towards the Iraq war mission have shown a contrast in public attitudes. The surveys however have not always included the comparisons of formal statistics on how the public opinion may differ. The UK’s public opinion on the war in Iraq has no relation to the estimations of UK about the military casualties’ tolerance. UK studies have drawn on the theories that are suggesting on public opinion on war. The theory suggests that the public opinion about objectives, moral justifications and success of the military campaign is related to the military death acceptability by the public. There are other theories also which suggest that absolute number of death is of large irrelevance. The accurate estimates of military deaths are associated with the public attitudes

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 12

Case study - Essay Example She spent two months in a coma, then her diagnosis was elevated to a vegetative state. Though the doctors spent years trying to help Terri to become aware, it was to no avail. She was physically alive, but her brain was giving up. She had succumbed to being little more than a body only managing to live due to the machines and technology offered by the hospital. It was in 1998 that Terri’s husband, Michael, petitioned to have the feeding tube removed from Terri, which would cause her to die. Terri’s parents, Robert and Mary Schindler, argued against this decision, claiming that Terri was still alive. In 2001, the court determined that Terri would not want to wish to continue these measures that kept her alive and ordered to have her feeding tube removed. Even though it was replaced several days later, after a lengthy court process that went as far as Federal legislation, the tube was permanently removed in 2005. One side of the argument was that regardless of her condition, Terri Schiavo was still alive. This side favored keeping the feeding tube in unless Terri’s condition deteriorated. The other side argued over the morality of keeping her in a state that caused her to be unaware and unresponsive. Each side felt that they would be acting morally, and that the opposing side of the argument were being very immoral in their actions. In regard to whether or not the actions to remove Terri from her feeding tube were moral or immoral, all that needs to be considered is that Terri Schiavo had been unable to make the decision for herself whether or not she wanted to continue to live. Therefore, the court had no right to determine that she would not have wanted to continue the use of the feeding tube. While they may have made a valid point, there was no way of knowing for sure what was truly in the best interest of Terri. As such, as long as something was